Defining Fold Map

First problem we have to solve, is defining fold map:

  • given a Vector of type A and and a function that transform A to B,
  • we wanted to transform all As and fold them into one B in the end.

Easier example with concrete A and B:

  • given a Vector of words (A is String), and a function to count length of String (B is Int for length)
  • we wanted to transform all words into length and calculate the total.

Here is the signature of foldmap.

def foldMap[A, B: Monoid](values: Vector[A])(func: A => B): B = ???

What’s with the B : Monoid syntax ?

def foldMap[A, B](implicit mB : Monoid[B])(values: Vector[A])(func: A => B): B = ???

What it means to you as implementor of the function ?

  • You can safely assume (or require that) in this context an implicit instance of Monoid[B] will be provided.

Why would you want to treat B as monoid ?

  • Because as the story goes above, you are going to combine B’s and start with empty B. Combine and empty is the defining characteristic of a Monoid

Say what ?

  • You are going to count total word length, accumulating from zero, adding the word length as you go.
  • Adding is one of possible combine operator for Int monoid, and what you’re doing fits with what Monoid provide.

Fiddle Around!

import cats.Monoid

// Here is where you do the exercise
def foldMap[A, B: Monoid](values: Vector[A])(func: A => B): B = {

  // Start with the assumption user of this function will give you instance of monoid for B
  val monoidB = implicitly[Monoid[B]]

// Tests
import scala.util._    
Try(foldMap(Vector("Count","Total","Length","Of","String"))(_.length)) == Success(24)
import cats.Monoid

def foldMap[A, B: Monoid](values: Vector[A])(func: A => B): B = {
    val monoidB = implicitly[Monoid[B]]
    values.foldLeft(monoidB.empty) {
      case (b, a) => monoidB.combine(b, func(a))

foldMap(Vector("Count","Total","Length","Of","String"))(_.length) == 24